
Remote viewing of whole slide images

  • Whole slide scanned images, macro pathology images, clinical information and other content all displayed on the same page
    Annotations can be shared with other users
  • Notes and diagnosis can be entered by the user
  • User, group and role type administration
  • Allows whole slide, virtual microscope images to be linked with other clinical data and information

Whole slide imaging systems are developed and there is acceptance that these whole slide images can be used for diagnostic use and research. The digitisation of slides means that group collaboration tools for project and process that were not possible using glass slides alone, can be developed. These tools have great benefits in both clinical and research activities, such as remote diagnosis and linking of all clinical information and associated images in a single location.

Summary Features

  • Whole slide scanned images, macro pathology images, clinical information and other content all displayed on the same page
    Annotations can be shared with other users
  • Notes and diagnosis can be entered by the user
  • User, group and role type administration
  • Allows whole slide, virtual microscope images to be linked with other clinical data and information

  • A supported slide scanner (please contact for us to date details)

DNA Ploidy - Diagnostic and prognostic information for cancer DNA Ploidy is becoming an accepted prognostic marker. The DNA Ploidy test alone can be used to obtain prognostic information to determine treatment decisions in prostatic, urinary bladder, ovarian, endometrial and renal cell carcinoma among others. The test can also be an additive prognostic marker.